tell me about the time and place you were born
what are your earliest memories
i'd like to know about your parents.. names, dates of birth and tell me some stories about them..
tell me about your mothers parents and family
tell me what you know about your fathers parents and family..
please detail what you know of our family tree
what interesting information do you know about other people in our family
heres some space for you to add more about our family that will interest generations to come..
what do you remember about the places you lived when you were a child
what were your favourite childhood toys or games
what sort of pets did you have when you were young and what were thier names
what do you remember about holidays you took as a child
what did you do for entertainment when you were young
what did you study at school and what were you best at?
tell me about the things you did as a child that are different for todays children
what did you wnat to be when you grew up
what were your favourite hobbies when you were young
did you have an idol when you were young? tell me who and why..
what was the first piece of music you bought
what chores had to be done when you were young that aren't needed to be done today?
describe any family traditions that you have or maybe still have
what age were you when you started work tell me about the jobs you have had
how did you meet my grandfather
what would you do for a night out when you were dating
tell me about a special peice of music that you and my grandfather had just for you
describe your wedding
choosing the names of your children can be difficult how did you decide
i would love to know more about my parents what can you tell me
tell me about what my dad was like when they was younger
how did you feel when you were told you were going to be a grandparent
what did you think when you first saw me after i was born
can you see any characteristics in me that come from other people in our family
in what ways am i similar or different to dad/ mum
describe some of your favourite memories of the times we have spent together
describe what you like about me
is there anything you would like to change about me
tell me about the friends you have had in your life
what peice/s of music would you choose in your own favourite top 10
tell me about the furthest place you have travelled to
what are the happiest or greatest memories of your life
what are a few of your favourite things?
describe your memory of some major world events that have happened in your lifetime
describe the greatest change that you have seen in your lifetime so far
do you think life today is better or worse than when you were young? how is it different?
who or what has been the greatest influence on you?
if you were an animal.. what type of animal would you be and why?
if you won the lottery.. what would you do with the money
what have you found most difficult in your life
what is the biggest regret in you life? can you do anything about it now?
tell me about the things that have made you happy or laugh
with hindsight what would you do differently
describe something you still want to achieve in your life
tell me something you think i wont know about you
what would you like your epitaph to say
given your experiences what advice would you like to offer me
and now your chance to tell me some other personal stories that you want to share
these extra pages are for us to write any questions, memories or answers that may not have been covered elsewhere in the book
for the final record
full name
maiden name
colour of eyes
how tall
blood group
what date completed