As i mentioned in my Marylin post, I had decided I would do a series on young, dead celebrities. I can't say I came up with the idea to do that because, really, it's been done before but these people were such an inspiration to now so many generations of people that of course it has all been done. One of my favourite quotes which I have hanging on my mirror at home is 'Art is either evolution or revolution'. When searching for models to do these shoots with I headed over to trusty Model Mayhem, a lot of people talk about having bad experiences with models, or from the other side with photographers, but I have only had one time when a model didn't turn up for a shoot and I put this down to choosing the models wisely and keeping up a good amount of contact.
My James Dean is a London model who has been photographed by some amazing photographers both in Canada and in Italy where he spent some time modelling so I felt very privileged when he said he would help me out with my little project. He definitely was the perfect one for the job and after doing the plain backdrop James Dean inspired shots we snapped a few extras influenced by high fashion looks.

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