Monday, April 15, 2013

Awesome Mondays

How Awesome is this Monday weather!?! I also managed to get a sleep in which was awesome! Shooting weddings/ organising future awesome shoots/ working my 9-5/ organising spring mini sessions all while fighting off a cold has really taken it out of me this week but being able to share photos and stories like these below makes it all worth it! If you missed last weeks Awesome behind the scenes blog post you can go check it out.
For the next awesome shoot day which is May 6th at Chelsey park I am still looking for makeup artists and hair stylists so if you know of anyone who might be interested in coming along please get them to contact me. Another thing I am thinking about is asking some journalism students to come along to help me record the stories of these seniors as so many of them have had such interesting lives. If this project was to get any more awesome and get turned into a book etc I would love to have someone skilled in writing to come along with us.

The portraits below show the lovely lady, a little about their story that I got to chat to them about and the photo of their hands which is a side project that I am doing.

Klara is originally from Russia, and from what Deanna her makeup artist told me she is currently writing a book about the her amazing life where from Russia she moved to Germany was in concentration camp at the age of 17. She married a man from Poland who was helping the people in the concentration camp with bringing them basic necessities including shoes and came to Canada through Pier 21 in Halifax. She kept saying how extremely thankful she was and felt like everything was given to her and the other immigrants and very lucky, she had one son then 3 daughters who live close to London.

Maia is an artist who told me she especially likes doing drawings of babies and her daughter is an artist as well, she makes jewellery including the necklace Maia is wearing. Sarah the recreation co-ordinator at the Waverlly told me that she was a hippy and has her room beautifully decorated with paintings etc. 

Marion is a lady with a big, bubbly personality who told me that since appearing in the Call Me Maybe video (she the the one that all the boys are chasing after in one part) that people had been literally calling her 'Maybe'. I thought it fitting that she was happy for me to do some bright silver nail polish for her. 

1 comment:

  1. Loving that you are including portraits of the women's hands and a little bit about their personal stories. Lee
